We can brew the tastiest coffee, make the fluffiest pancakes, serve the yummiest sandwiches and deliver the best service in the world – but it means nothing without customers. And at Cafe Brazil, we think we have the greatest customers around.
Every day, you make us smile with your Instagram pics, funny tweets, sincere Yelp reviews, amazing Facebook posts and delectable Flickr uploads. Occasionally the feedback is less than stellar, but we appreciate the constructive criticism too. It helps us improve. Keeps us on our toes. And for that we are grateful.
We thought it would be fun to showcase an amazing Cafe Brazil Fan weekly and give you guys a little taste of the love you give us.
Our very first Fan shout out goes to:
Julie Johnston
Julie hit our radar recently with this tweet:
For being chosen our “Fan of the Week”, Julie and 3 of her friends will enjoy a meal at the Cafe Brazil location of her choice this week. If you’d like to be selected for this accolade – keep tweeting, posting, reviewing, and uploading those photos. We see them and appreciate the love!