Cafe Brazil has 11 unique locations. Each store has different architectural characteristics and a staff that give it a flavor all its own. Today, we’d like to introduce you to our Bishop Arts location and General Manager, Cleo Norris.
Just two blocks wide, the Bishop Art District is a small pocket in Oak Cliff that offers the finest in Dallas eclectic charm. Café culture and warehouse-turned-vintage shops are the order of the day, and mom and pop businesses mixed with art galleries give the streets a gleefully bohemian feel. Our restaurant is located at 611 N. Bishop Arts Ave., Dallas, TX 75208.

Norris says, “We have blended in well with the uniqueness of the District, which is filled with quality locales such as Gloria’s, Eno’s, Bolsa, and Tillman’s. I am happy Café Brazil is here and I love Oak Cliff. As a resident and business operator, I am proud of the work we have been able to do within the community.”
Cleo Norris helps to lead the Research +Development team at Cafe Brazil, assisting in the creation of new dishes for us. “My passion for the Culinary Art’s began at a young age. My days were filled with watching Julie Childs, John Folse, Paul Produmme, and Justin Wilson (my personal favorite). When I joined the military, I told the Navy recruiter I wanted to be a “Culinary Specialist”. I spent nearly 10 years in the Navy, where I became the Flagmess Manager for the Naval Command Force in New Orleans. Here I learned (then taught) the preparation of Haute Creole “Five Star” quality cuisine for senior ranking military, foreign and local dignitaries, with highly nutritious planning and a lot of detailed presentation.
Simply put, this was one of the upper echelons of military dining facilities. That journey was boosted with my selection by my command to the White House Culinary Team, my selection to the C.I.A “Culinary Institute of America”, and Johnson and Wales. All of those experiences have helped attribute the things I bring to Café Brazil.”
Norris concludes, “I am so proud of my team here at this location – of the 15 servers on my schedule, 11 of them have been here for over 2 years. Which only goes to show how great of a work place this is, and how blessed it is to work for this company. ”